Blog migration

This is an archive of posts…this blog is no longer currently maintained. If you’d like to read newer posts about happiness, move on over to Everything But the Kitchen Sink and click on the Happy tag.  See you there, and thanks for reading!

Lily Tomlin quote

Now here’s someone that can make you laugh.  Lily Tomlin.  Here’s a funny quote that I read of her’s the other day :

“I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.”  ~ Lily Tomlin

I for one am glad she is who she is!

Need a Laugh? ~ videos on YouTube

I’ve created a small playlist of funny video clips on my YouTube page.  Take a look!

Who are your Satellite Sisters?

If you haven’t listened to the Satellite Sisters radio show/podcast, you have to do yourself a favor and give a listen.  You can find their most recent shows here. The Satellite Sisters are five actual sisters who have a radio show.  And boy, are they funny! But they are also insightful, wise, and just like your best friend or sister.  Their big thing? Keeping in touch with *your* satellite sisters.  You know, the ones you call with great news, or sad news.  March right on over to their website for some great content!

Ready to start beefing up this blog

Now that I have officially put my “OurBabyGreensteps” to rest, this is the blog that I’m going to focus on.  If anyone has any funny content that you would like me to post, please let me know.  The goal of this page is to have a place for people to go when life just gets them down and they need a laugh.  There isn’t a *ton* of content here yet, but there will be more. 🙂 Have a spectacular day!

Laughing Yoga

Well, yesterday I attended a Laughing Yoga program at our library.  I really enjoyed it! I didn’t know what to expect at first, but boy, what a workout! The presenter, Phylis Sugar, is a professional counselor and also a certified laughter yoga leader.  She offers a free laughter session once a month at Rush North Shore in Skokie.  You can find more information on her website .  While I can’t go this month, I think I’ll be attending the session in October.  Anyone in the Chicago area want to join me? I believe it is the 4th Saturday of the month, so that would be October 25. Again, great program, glad that I attended!

One more thing.  I learned that stale air is expelled from your lungs when you laugh.  So start laughing! And don’t worry if it has to be fake for a while.  Your body and brain doesn’t know the difference! 🙂

Stuff to do when you are bored

I found this great list of things to do when you are bored.  Or maybe you aren’t bored, but you need a laugh or some cheering up.  Take a look at the items on this list and see which ones you want to give a try! I particularly like #50 which is: Have a car wash or lemonade stand.  And on that note, whenever you pass someone else’s lemonade stand, make sure you buy a glass (or two…those dixie cups are small!) Have a nice day everyone!

Update: I see that I forget to include the list! Well, you certainly have to laugh about that! If I find it, I’ll re-write this post. 🙂

It’s rainy it’s pouring the old man is snoring

Did you ever sing that song growing up? “He went to bed and bumped his head and couldn’t get up in the morning.”  Yep, it’s rainy here.  We had a small lake in the back yard this morning.  Probably still there.  The cool thing is that I’m outside and the rain is out there. 🙂

Singing in the Rain

What a great movie!  Have you seen it?  I needed something light and fluffy to watch the other day and this definitely fit the bill. I particularly enjoyed Donald O’Connor dance routine to the song “Make ‘Em Laugh”. Funny stuff!  And when he and Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds were doing their tap dancing numbers, I just couldn’t help but smile.  So, when you need a laugh take a look at this.

Great website: The Humor Project

Last night I found a super website, entitled: The Humor Project. What a find!  This is an organization truly dedicated to the power of laughter.  They host a yearly conference, among other things.  They have a great catalog of humor resources (DVDS, books, etc.) .  You can also download the current and past issues of Laughing Matters magazine.  Check out this great website!